It's been about a week since I came back from Greece and I'm still heartbroken lol but my tan is still in tack so I'm chillin'. As per usual, this was a great trip but it was different cause I did a lot of things for the first time. It's crazy cause I wasn't even supposed to go to Greece but the universe happened to work in my favor.
So what can I say about Greece? Hmmm. Maybe that it's MAGICAL, literally. Speaking specifically about Europe, I have been to a few cities in other countries and I never had so many jaw-dropping moments in my life. You know how Greece is portrayed in movies? Whelp, they're not lying to you. The clearest and the bluest of waters, white and blue houses (on some islands), friendly people and a beautiful culture. I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing with my eyes. It made my heart so happy.
Anyway, below are some pictures and you can watch my video here.
It's been two weeks since I came back from Ecuador and I've just been too lazy to put this post together BUT, here you have it. I found out I was going on this trip literally like three weeks before I actually went. My parents asked me if I wanted to go so that was an instant yes. I thought it was the perfect time since I just graduated university and I going to take advantage of my free time before I become a real adult. Anyway, I was super duper excited because I was finally going to Latin America and throughout college, that was one of my minors and I absolutely loved it with a passion. It was incredible to finally see what I've been reading and studying about for the past three years. The Andes left me in awe, the food lived up to its standard (and didn't mess up my stomach), the people were so genuine and humble and the culture left its mark in my heart. I love how simple everything was and I finally felt in touch with my soul - that's super deep lol but it's the truth. I've only been to Europe before and it never had that impact on me. Maybe because going to Ecuador literally is apart of who I am since my dad is from there. I now understand the slogan "All you need is Ecuador.'
Now to where I went:
Ecuador is divided into four regions: the Galapagos, the coast, the Andes and the Amazon. I went to 3/4 of those within 16 days - I didn't get to see the Galapagos :(. Most of the place I went were for outdoorsy people so if you're tryna chill in a resort, you won't find anything like it in this post lol. And I didn't go out partying because 1. Most of the places I went to were so small there weren't club 2. I wasn't gonna go out with my dad 3. It was too dangerous for me to go out - so that explains that situation. But I didn't mind not going out because I wanted a different scene (I was basically Eliza Thronberry the whole time). It's crazy how relaxing and peaceful it is just to be with nature. Being away from the hustle and bustle is something everyone needs to do in their lifetime to just hear the river flow when you're sleeping, to look up at night and see SO MANY stars and be surrounded by the friendliest people who always offer to help or just want to talk even if you're a stranger.
So, here's a little recap video of my time in Ecuador and you can see pictures below:
Side note: you know what totally sucked? I forgot my Nikon battery charger at home so all these pictures are from my iPhone lol. I wanted to DIE #shoutouttotheHDtho.